Wireless Innovation Forum Announces New Coalition Interoperability Task Group

Resulting report will focus on emerging tactical coalition communications demands

WASHINGTON--The Wireless Innovation Forum (WInnForum) today announced approval of a new task group focused on emerging tactical coalition communications demands driven by the need for improved coordination between deployed units of forces from different nations and agencies, including shared situational awareness, exchanging secure voice, data and multimedia information. The project, entitled Coalition Interoperability, is being undertaken by the WInnForum's International Tactical Radio Special Interest Group.

WInnForum creates task group focused on emerging tactical coalition communications demands

Created for worldwide military forces, tactical communications specification developers, suppliers, and technology providers, who are participating or supporting tactical coalition operations on the battlefield, this project will result in a report that will provide an assessment of military tactical communications capabilities that support interoperability within coalitions of multinational forces. It will, identify any significant technology gaps and opportunities, delivering recommendations for improvements in terms of practices, technology and standards development.

The initial group formed in March, and the project was approved by Steering Group of the Forum's Coordinating Committee for International SCA Standards in June. It has a planned report completion date of December 2016, with the final document being made available publicly after member voting and approval by March 2017. The group will meet in Paris this October during the Forum's Technical Exchange Meetings (www.wirelessinnovation.org/paris-tem-october-2016), held concurrently with WInnComm Europe 2016 (europe.WirelessInnovation.org). The conference will also feature an associated workshop on Tactical Communications with a presentation on ESSOR as well as perspectives on German, Italian and UK programs.

The Forum encourages participation from organizations wanting to be involved in this important project. Please contact Forum CEO Lee Pucker at Lee.Pucker@WirelessInnovation.org if you are interested.

Supported by platinum sponsors Google, Motorola Solutions, Finmeccanica and Thales, WInnForum has several working groups focusing on projects related to SCA and Spectrum Innovation. Visit www.WirelessInnovation.org to learn more. Individuals or organizations wishing to participate in WInnForum Working Groups should contact Lee Pucker at Lee.Pucker@WirelessInnovation.org.

About the Wireless Innovation Forum

Established in 1996, The Wireless Innovation Forum (SDR Forum Version 2.0) is a non-profit mutual benefit corporation dedicated to advocating for spectrum innovation, and advancing radio technologies that support essential or critical communications worldwide. Members bring a broad base of experience in Software Defined Radio (SDR), Cognitive Radio (CR) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technologies in diverse markets and at all levels of the wireless value chain to address emerging wireless communications requirements. To learn more about The Wireless Innovation Forum, its meetings and membership benefits, visit www.WirelessInnovation.org.

Source URL: http://businesswire.com/news/home/20160719006538/en
