Wireless Innovation Forum Announces First Interim Report by SCA 4.1 Compliancy Project

Public Review and Input Encouraged on SCA 4.1 Requirement Allocation Report

WASHINGTON--The Wireless Innovation Forum (WInnForum) today announced release of its first ever interim report, "SCA 4.1 Requirements Allocation." The report provides prioritization, allocation and testability analysis of SCA 4.1 requirements, followed by establishing compliance criteria and verification methods that provide a common set of SCA 4.1 compliance criteria that will be accessible in the public domain as a standard Forum internationally generated and developed document. As the first ever interim product release, the Forum encourages public feedback on the report under its Lean Standards Development Model (www.wirelessinnovation.org/lean-standards-development-model).

WInnForum announces release of its first ever interim report, "SCA 4.1 Requirements Allocation"

The report was spearheaded by the SCA 4.1 Compliancy Project group, part of WInnForum's Coordinating Committee on International SCA Standards, and edited by Jimmie Marks of Raytheon (NYSE: RTN). The new project, announced in March, is for software defined equipment, application developers and procurement agencies who need to establish a common interpretation of SCA 4.1 requirements and a common set of compliance criteria for the SCA 4.1 specification. This interim release is its first offering of the project.

The initial report contains a table of the requirements contained in the Software Communications Architecture (SCA) version 4.1 and associated appendices, an assigned unique requirement number and the requirement allocation of Operating Environment (OE), Application (AP) or both OE and AP (indicated as "Both"). The Requirements Allocation contained in the document are intended to be used by developers of SCA 4.1 Products (e.g. OEs, Applications, and Tools), and in SCA 4.1 Compliance verification activities.

Additional deliverables include:

  • definition of a priority for SCA 4.1 requirements to guide project compliance activities,
  • compliance specification criteria for each requirement, and
  • identification of proposed verification method(s) for each requirement (e.g. test, demonstration, analysis, inspection).

The report is available here: groups.winnforum.org/d/do/9458. The public is encouraged to review and provide comment to Forum CEO Lee Pucker (Lee.Pucker@WirelessInnovation.org).

Supported by platinum sponsors Google, Motorola Solutions, Finmeccanica and Thales, WInnForum has several working groups focusing on projects related to SCA and Spectrum Innovation. Visit www.WirelessInnovation.org to learn more. Individuals or organizations wishing to participate in WInnForum Working Groups should contact Lee Pucker at Lee.Pucker@WirelessInnovation.org.

About the Wireless Innovation Forum

Established in 1996, The Wireless Innovation Forum (SDR Forum Version 2.0) is a non-profit mutual benefit corporation dedicated to advocating for spectrum innovation, and advancing radio technologies that support essential or critical communications worldwide. Members bring a broad base of experience in Software Defined Radio (SDR), Cognitive Radio(CR) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technologies in diverse markets and at all levels of the wireless value chain to address emerging wireless communications requirements. To learn more about The Wireless Innovation Forum, its meetings and membership benefits, visit www.WirelessInnovation.org.

Source URL: http://businesswire.com/news/home/20160721005262/en/Wireless-Innovation-Forum-Announces-Interim-Report-SCA



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